Have any questions or difficulties filling out the form?
Please call 604-266-7148 or email outreach@helleniccommunity.org
If you are renewing your memberhsip, you can skip the optional fields unless your information has changed or you are paying for your spouse.
You can now pay for your spouse at the same time! Simply select "Spousal" or "Senior Spousal" (depending on your age group)!
One must be Greek Orthodox in order to be an HCV member.
Please fill out the attestation below fo yourself, and for your spouse if you are paying dues together.
If you were married since you last paid your dues or had a child, please enter them here (spouse and children under 18).
If your child has since turned 19 or over, they will need to fill out an individual form.
If you are filling out forms for you and your spouse, you only need to list your children once.
Please note we can process only multiple memberships for couples.
This is so that so that each transaction is recorded and assigned to the person paying dues/household for tax purposes.
SENIORS ($75) - must be 65 years of age and over, and have proof of age.
SENIORS SPOUSAL ($150) - for senior spouses, 65 years of age and over, with proof of age.
REGULAR ($150) - Must be 19, up to 64 years old. This also covers children under 19.
SPOUSAL ($300) - for married couples only, or couple with children under 19. Please note that the payment will be assigned to the primary person filling out the form. Both applicants must be Greek Orthodox in order to be members (attestation needs to be filled above). This also covers children under 19.
STUDENT ($50) - Must be at least 19 years old, enrolled in full-time post secondary studies and must have valid school ID.
CHILDREN & YOUTH - 18 & under. Are included under their parents' membership (either one or both). Parents please include any children you have had since last paying dues. Their information is for administrative purposes ONLY.
We do not share any information with third-parties.
If paying by cash, please bring it to the Hellenic Community office during our office hours 9am-4pm.
Please make cheques out to Hellenic Community of Vancouver in the correct amount stated above.
Our mailing address:
Hellenic Community of Vancouver
4500 Arbutus St
Vancouver, BC V6J 4A2